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Plan today for a successful year ahead

vision for success ideas. businessman's perspective for future planning. Silhouette of man holding binoculars on mountain peak against bright sunlight sky background.

Yes, I can hear some of you saying, “You should have already had your 2023 plans completed.” True, but it’s not uncommon to begin those discussion in January. Here are some suggestions for getting started with your team.

Step 1: What lessons did you learn in 2022?

So, start with the bad, the uncomfortable, the accidents, the lack of preparation and the mistakes, missed opportunities and miscommunications. This is not meant to be an exercise in self-flagellation; rather, it can help pinpoint obstacles, such as a lack of resources, budget or staff. You may realize that some efforts took more lead time, collaboration or tactics than expected. It might even tell you that the ROI just isn’t worth it, which may open up time and money for a new endeavor or a different approach.

Step 2: What do we need to achieve this year?

Step 3: How do we get there?

Here’s a quick reference:

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