Planting Awareness
Here in Oregon, we love our forests. They’re not only beautiful places to visit but also important renewable resources. That’s why forest landowners here plant three trees for every one harvested. We partnered with OFRI to create a series of TV spots to plant this knowledge in the minds of Oregonians. Take a minute or two and come to the forest with us.

Forest management in Oregon is a complex and spirited topic. The Gard team has done a great job internalizing the issues, and helping refine messages and media strategies that will help Oregonians better understand the forests around them.
Jordan Benner, OFRI Director of Communications
Telly Awards
2024 Silver Winner for “Planting for the Future” :30 TV (General-Sustainability)
Telly Awards
2024 Silver Winner for “Always Replanting” :30 TV (General-Sustainability)
Telly Awards
2023 Silver Winner for “Big Things, Little Things” :30 TV (Promotional Video – Sustainability)

Davey Awards
2022 Silver Winner for “Big Things, Little Things” :30 TV