This project is in Education and Video & Audio Production

Promoting PilotsGive

Every year, University of Portland hosts a day of giving called PilotsGive. To help them promote the event, we created social media posts, photography, t-shirts, signs and these videos, which featured faculty and students sharing their reasons to give. With a tight timeline and limited budget, we maximized reach and drove participation for a successful day online and on campus.

A smiling woman holds a sign in the form of a speech bubble with the words "open the world to everyone!"
A smiling woman holds a sign in the form of a speech bubble with the words "cultivate global change-makers".

“Trailer” (:30 TV)

Gard supported University of Portland in promoting PilotsGive by producing this short trailer explaining the importance of the day of giving.

Promotional notice for Pilots Give days at the University of Portland.

“Today is the Day” (:30 TV)

Leading up to University of Portland’s day of giving called, PilotsGive, Gard help film and edit this video that could be used to promote the event.

Still from a video for University of Portland's Pilots Give program, depicting a grid of nine people voicing their support for the program.

“Thanks to You” (:30 TV)

Gard worked with University of Portland students and faculty to produce a thank you video as a part of the PilotsGive campaign.

Three social media ads seen on phones, promoting University of Portland's "Pilots Give" campaign.
A lawn sign promoting the University of Portland's Pilots Give program.

Tell your story with the power of video.