Healthcare is a rapidly changing industry, and the pace isn’t expected to slow down any time soon.

Healthcare is a rapidly changing industry, and the pace isn’t expected to slow down any time soon.
At Gard, we’ve been helping clients through the changing healthcare landscape for years. By thinking strategically, we help organizations plan and manage change. We also help them communicate with their audiences about the benefits of change and how it can improve patient care.
As hospitals and health systems look for ways to provide more value for patients, many are exploring new types of clinical partnerships or affiliations that are distinct from traditional mergers and acquisitions.
Gard is at the forefront of navigating this trend, both here in the Pacific Northwest and across the nation. Our experience in healthcare communications helps these innovative partnerships and affiliations succeed.
On that note, we’re proud to share some exciting news about Gard clients Tuality Healthcare, a thriving healthcare system west of Portland, and Oregon Health & Science University, the state’s only public academic health center. The two organizations recently announced a new clinical affiliation that will allow their clinical services to operate as an integrated system – providing seamless, high-quality healthcare at an even greater value for patients.
Tuality’s roots in Washington County, Oregon, go way back. Their original hospital in Hillsboro was founded nearly a century ago by a woman with an Oregonian pioneering spirit, Minnie Jones Coy.
The affiliation with OHSU will assure Tuality’s strong local presence for years to come. And it will provide access to advanced care closer to home. As the affiliation matures, Tuality and OHSU will meet the needs of patients in Washington County with a growing array of highly coordinated services. And that’s healthy news for everyone.
We look forward to the next chapter in Tuality’s story.