The OHSU Knight Cancer Institute recently celebrated the unprecedented achievement of raising $1 billion to fight cancer.
By raising $500 million in just 22 months, the Institute unlocked a matching gift pledge by Nike co-founder Phil Knight and his wife, Penny. The result is a $1 billion fund aimed at helping end cancer as we know it through the first large-scale program dedicated to the early detection of lethal cancers.
It was a proud day for Oregon. In fact, the vast majority of the more than 10,000 donations to The Challenge came from Oregon citizens and organizations. Among the many organizations that helped meet the goal was Unite for the Knight, a coalition of Oregon business and labor groups that came together in support of The Challenge. While business and labor don’t always see eye to eye, coalition members recognized that in the fight against cancer we’re all on the same side.
Here at Gard, we helped launch and promote Unite for the Knight through a 10-month pro-bono project that included strategy and planning, branding, web design and public relations. Gard President Brian Gard also co-chaired the coalition, along with John Mohlis, executive secretary for the Oregon Building and Construction Trades Council. Unite for the Knight helped generate donations across Oregon from hundreds of union members and employees, and more than 40 organizations. Our sincere thanks go out to everyone who contributed time, resources and donations.

Now that the $1 billion goal is met, the real work begins. The Knight Cancer Institute plans to recruit as many as 300 researchers, including 25 of those considered the world’s top researchers. OHSU will also construct a state-of-the-art cancer research facility and new cancer care clinics.
We’re proud to have played a part in this historic effort. Now, as Governor Kate Brown said at the celebratory event at Pioneer Courthouse Square, “Let’s make Oregon the place where cancer meets its match.”

Learn more about the Knight Cancer Institute.