Packing Potatoes for the Oregon Food Bank: Gard’s Annual Day of Service
Potatoes, potatoes and more potatoes! We packed 15,407 pounds of them last week at our annual Day of Service at the Oregon Food Bank. Gard teamed up with a client, Threemile…

New Creative Chair is Shaking Things Up at the Oregon Symphony
We joined the Oregon Symphony’s new creative chair, Gabriel Kahane, on four interviews last week to promote not only his show last weekend at the Schnitzer, but also his new role…

Another Successful Volunteer Expo for The Standard!
This high-profile event is one of the most impactful ways we have seen a company deepen its relationships with community members and organizations. “The Standard values public service, and we live…

The Standard’s Volunteer Expo: Connecting for a Cause
At Gard, one of the most rewarding aspects of the work is bringing our clients and the community together. Sure, much of the magic happens in the office at a desk…

Rewarding Work in 2017
Part of what makes working at Gard so rewarding is the ability to tell stories for a wide variety of clients, opening up many opportunities for creativity. And though the work…

Ringing in the Year of the Monkey at Mochitsuki
Mochitsuki is the ceremony in which rice is pounded with large mallets, then molded into sticky rice cakes called “mochi.” It symbolizes starting the New Year with a full belly in hopes of abundance…

Brian Gard & John Mohlis Honored at AFP Philanthropy Awards Luncheon
This year on National Philanthropy Day, a few of us at Gard had the pleasure of attending the Oregon chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals’ annual Philanthropy Awards luncheon. Our…

Helping OHSU Move Faster Forward
No matter where you get your healthcare in Oregon, there’s a good chance that OHSU has touched your life and made it healthier in some way. Breakthroughs and discoveries made by…

Piano. Push. Play. Brings Music to the Streets of Portland
The Portland-based art project Piano. Push. Play. fixes old and unwanted pianos, commissions local artists to decorate them, and then places the pianos on the streets for anyone to play. Once…

A Proud Day for Oregon: $1 Billion Raised to Fight Cancer
The OHSU Knight Cancer Institute recently celebrated the unprecedented achievement of raising $1 billion to fight cancer. By raising $500 million in just 22 months, the Institute unlocked a matching gift…