Employee Spotlight: Hannah Smith
To say that Gard’s Associate Director of PR, Hannah Smith, is a travel aficionado may be a bit of an understatement. As of the end of 2024, the proud Swiftie has…

Working with a four-legged friend to get your message heard
As part of our ongoing work with Transportation Safety–ODOT’s Impaired Driving program, we produced a 30-second TV PSA titled “Good Human.” The goal of the announcement is to remind Oregonians of…

Meet Gard’s rugby-playing, deejaying, journalistic summer intern Keyry Hernandez
Get to know Gard’s summer intern, Keyry Hernandez, on a surface level, and you’ll learn she’s a talented writer who studied journalism and Latinx studies at the University of Oregon. But…

Meet Gard’s newest A-Team members
Here at Gard, we affectionately call our team of public relations and public affairs account managers and associates the A-Team. We like to think it’s a fitting moniker for a host…

How Gard delivers – via video
Video is everywhere these days – all over social media, on websites, on phones and tablets and TVs. And it’s something that every client should consider as an effective communications tool.…

Behind the scenes at a Gard video shoot
On a rainy Oregon winter day earlier this year, the Gard creative team, including creative director John Plymale, video storyteller Dan Thoennessen and associate Jabriel Pierce, headed out to shoot a…

Sizing up nearly three decades of creativity at Gard Communications
It’s been close to 30 years since John Plymale first joined Gard Communications, but he still remembers his first day in the office as a burgeoning production artist and graphic designer…

Promotions set Gard up for its next successful chapter
It’s a season of change here at Gard Communications. Based in part on input gleaned from a successful company retreat earlier this year, we recently implemented some changes that have seen…

Employee Spotlight: Arthur Parker
If you’re at all familiar with the Portland music scene, you probably know that every December, the Alberta Rose Theatre comes to life with the sights of a talented troupe of…

Gard’s work gets a little year-end recognition
As 2022 winds to a close, we’re taking a quick minute to spotlight just a couple more of our projects that caught the industry’s eye this year. w3 Awards for websites…