Highlighting Mobile Manners with U.S. Cellular

Have you ever walked into someone while using your cell phone? Embarrassing, right?

Do you get annoyed when someone uses a mobile device in a movie theatre? How about in a restaurant? If you answered yes then you’re not alone, according to recent research by U.S. Cellular.

Cell phones can simplify and improve our lives. However, with the increased prevalence of these devices comes an evolving set of etiquette considerations. That’s why, in July 2002, author and etiquette expert Jacqueline Whitmore founded National Cell Phone Courtesy Month. In the years since, U.S. Cellular has embraced the month as a way to remind customers that these devices should improve our lives, not detract from them.

This July, as part of our ongoing work for U.S. Cellular in the Pacific Northwest, we created this National Cell Phone Courtesy Month infographic to highlight findings from the company’s annual research on smartphone etiquette. The graphic was used in media stories around the U.S. In our region, which includes various small and medium-size cities such as Medford and Yakima, we arranged several cell phone etiquette stories on KDRV-TV and KNDO-TV.

So, next time you reach for your mobile device, take a moment to think about cell phone etiquette – because a little consideration goes a long way!

Cellphone etiquette infographic